After breakfast I had a rest and later on Syl took me up to the Panorama Bar before lunch. From time to time various people come and sit with us and chat. The majority of American’s are unhappy with President Obama and we’ve heard lots of complaints about his policies and administration.
Others want to know more about South Africa but most have never heard of Durban.
Our first stop was at an art gallery with a large exhibit of the lacquer boxes that are made all over Russia. I wasn’t able to go inside the building because of the steep staircases that lead to the rooms upstairs but Syl told me that the art was mostly by amateur artists from the city and that I
hadn’t missed much. The next stop was the church of Elijah the Prophet – with another long flight of stairs - and I decided not to go inside. Syl said that it was breathtaking so she took lots of photographs. At the next stop, in the city centre, we had an hour to meander along the pedestrian avenue with small shops and restaurants and also through a pedestrian flea market. We weren’t really tempted to buy anything although there were lots of stalls with really nice shoes, bags and a few stalls with interesting hats. We also went into the fresh food market and I bought a kg of big red cherries. The last stop was at the riverside but I stayed in the bus.
Getting in and out of the bus and in and out of the wheelchair is a bit of a mission so I decided not to get out again until we got back to the ship. Sylvia bought me a nice mug so that we don’t have keep smuggling a mug into our cabin and hiding it in the safe!
Tonight’s dinner was International Cuisine and I ate too much – again. We sat with Greg and Kathy from the US and Mary and John, the American and Australian couple. Tomorrow we arrive at Uglich and can join a walking tour of the Kremlin. Only problem is that is starts at 8h15 which is really early for me. So, it is now 10pm and I’d better get to bed.
There are numerous churches in Yaroslavl, most of them heavily decorated with wall paintings, frescos and iconostas. We visited the Church of Elijah the Prophet which survived by the skin of teeth when the soviets planned on blowing it up. We also visited the 13thC Spassky Monastery assemble built alongside the river. The town has an 18th century arcaded shopping area with goods from all over Europe and the east.
We didn’t get back to the boat until 6:45pm and the boat sailed at 7pm. There was a daily briefing before dinner. We had an 'early' night - 10:15pm.
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